I knew that I'd conceived on August 4th, which put my due date at April 27th. After going to the doctor on September 28th, they gave me an ultrasound, which put me at a due date of May 8th. I was a bit bummmed. It's never pleasant finding out you've got to wait longer than expected to meet your new baby!
So, weeks progressed, and we were so excited! We prayed for a girl, and disagreed for months on names. Finally we came to a conclusion: Eliana Lois (God has answered) for a girl, or Elijah David (my God is Lord). Hoping for an Ellie all the while. Finally, we were far enough along to find out the gender!
We were given our Ellie after all! (And she already looked like her daddy!) We were so thrilled to see our healthy baby girl bouncing around in my belly. What a beautiful and wonderful gift from God. And Jacob knew all along, sticking to his theory that he would have a baby sister.
Time flew by. Paul was home, going on several work-ups, but this was the longest time we'd had with him, getting to spend Christmas, Valentine's Day, Jacob's birthday AND our anniversary together! I was very active, walking or swimming everyday. Gaining only 12 pounds! (What a blessing!)
I got huge!
(37 weeks)
On April 27th, I sat on the couch in the den of our new home, just getting over a cold, I coughed...and that was it. My water had broken, for real this time! I called my sweet hubby at work, and in a panic he rushed home! I wanted a shower, so he took Jacob to school, and when he returned, I was finally ready to go! Portsmouth Naval Medical Center here we come!!